Undeclared Dean's List

Congratulations to our Undeclared students for their academic excellence!

The Undeclared Student Success Office recognizes students who achieve a semester GPA of 3.50 or higher while completing at least 12 letter-graded units and remaining in good academic standing.

The Dean’s List is published 6–8 weeks after grades are due and is automatically noted on your official and unofficial transcript. If you have privacy restrictions on your records, your name will not appear on the list or receive notification.

For questions, contact [email protected].

Wordcloud of different majors students can choose from.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students are notified through their SDSU email. 

Dean's List take time to process by  Enrollment Services and our department. However, you can expect to be notified during the months of March and October. 

Expected timeline: 

Fall List - March/April 

Spring List- October/November

Students who declare before the dean's list is finalized should check the dean's list of their new major.